Welcome to my blog and thanks for reading. I post as often as I can listing upcoming events, interesting projects I am working on and some tips or two on using my favourite material - clay! If there is something you would like me to blog about, please send me a note. Please visit my website for more images of my work and an updated listing of events and happenings - http://www.taralynnefranco.com/

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Yes, I made enough

Once I unloaded yesterday's bisque and saw what I had, I realized that I did in fact make enough "parts" - probably enough to make 3 x what I need to make. The extras will be interesting to add to other pieces in the future, just as I have slipped in pieces from another special piece into some of my regular work. Here is funny little video complete with my commentary of my work in progress. After tonight's cone 6, two more firings to go and I will be finished.

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